Pat Buchanan Hopes Capitol Hill Comes Grinding To A Halt If The Dems Lose Their 60 Seat Majority

From MSNBC's weekend morning show with Alex Witt and her "boys" Pat Buchanan and Peter Fenn, while discussing the retirements of Chris Dodd and Byron

"Shallow Thought" for the day on MSNBC giving air time to the likes of Buchanan in the first place for catching this one. And I agree with this completely:

Punditiots who advocate government failure should be given less, if any, air time, not more. Vigorous debate is a good thing, and freedom of speech should continue to be alive and well.

But to warmly welcome noxious obstructionists like Buchanan to the airwaves does not serve what's left of the news media well, because he does not inform, he infects. And that is destructive to a healthy democracy.

I hear ya' Laffy but they're not about democracy or any type of honest debate in this country. They're all about the ratings. I do hope Peter Fenn is right in this regard. If the Republicans over play their hand with their obstruction, maybe it finally becomes politically untenable for them to continue to do so, but I'm not holding my breath.

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