Pat Buchanan Really Hates That Unions Help Get Democrats Elected
While discussing whether Wisconsin's Governor Scott Walker is actually going to be willing to make a deal with the fourteen Democrats who fled the state or not and the rights of the public workers in Wisconsin to collective bargaining on Morning
While discussing whether Wisconsin's Governor Scott Walker is actually going to be willing to make a deal with the fourteen Democrats who fled the state or not and the rights of the public workers in Wisconsin to collective bargaining on Morning Joe, MSNBC's resident racist and union hater Pat Buchanan lets everyone know why Republicans really hate unions. They organize to help get Democrats elected. And in Buchanan's world, if you're being paid a government salary from the taxpayers and you do that, it's really, really evil and nefarious.
Of course we never hear Pat complaining about corporate lobbyists influencing politicians -- because that's just freedom of speech don't you know. I'd like for someone to ask Pat if it's okay for corporations like private military contractors who are getting no bid contracts from their buddies in Washington paid for by our tax dollars to pay lobbyists or meet with politicians themselves to get a share of our tax dollars. I wonder if Pat is going to complain if the Koch brothers end up getting to buy the public utilities in Wisconsin for some ridiculously low price that rips off the tax payers there. Anyone think we're going to hear him start carping about that? Nope. Pat only cares if the taxpayers aren't happy that those evil union thugs are using money to... gasp... earn a living and collectively bargain for fair wages and decent working conditions. And worse yet... pull out the smelling salts... to support politicians who might have their best interests at heart.
People who work for the government that belong to unions are not spending taxpayer money to support their unions. They're paying part of their salaries. That money doesn't belong to the taxpayers any more than a private sector union member's salary belongs to the company they work for after they're paid. And they've got a right to expect to earn a living wage just like anyone else in America. But the Buchanan's of the world want to paint that as somehow being evil and misusing taxpayer dollars.
I've been at my job and in a union for over 25 years now and I've got a lot of conservative co-workers like anyone else out there obviously. I tell you this latest overreach by Walker and the teabaggers, the Republican Party and their cohorts in the media like Buchanan here is turning off people like I've never seen before. I've seen first hand conservative co-workers of mine looking at this stuff and just being completely disgusted and waking up for the first time to the fact that the Republican Party just hates working people and wants to destroy unions.
I really think these Republican governors and their strategy to go full bore and try to give unions a fatal blow may end up being one of the biggest political blunders I've seen in my lifetime if the reaction from the people I work with is any indication. So you go Pat. You're turning off Republican union members around the country and anyone that relates to or sides with them with your union bashing, just like your buddies in office.