Paul Ryan Attempts To Rewrite His Romance With Ayn Rand

Lawrence O'Donnell hit Ayn Rand fan-boy and now Mitt Romney presidential running mate Rep. Paul Ryan for his romance with Rand that he's been trying to run away from for some time now. As O'Donnell noted, there are two reasons for Ryan trying to

Brit Hume on Fox News this Tuesday evening on Baier's show. During his time with Hume lobbing softballs at him, Ryan pretended he was a fan of Rand's, until he realized what her philosophy was. As we've shown here in post after post and as O'Donnell pointed out, that change had to have happened very recently because as late as 2009 he was still singing her praises: Paul Ryan Tries Keeping Up With Etch-a-Sketch Mitt By Pretending His Ayn Rand Fandom Is an 'Urban Legend'.
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