Paul Ryan Bemoans Defense Cuts: 'We Need Peace Through Strength'

It seems Fox regular Angela McGlowan's comments yesterday weren't just a one off. Vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan has apparently been repeating the same line out on the campaign trail. He just managed to do it without the same Palin-like word salad we got from McGlowan on Saturday.

Angela McGlowan's comments yesterday weren't just a one off. Vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan has apparently been repeating the same line out on the campaign trail. He just managed to do it without the same Palin-like word salad we got from McGlowan on Saturday.

Here's the clown crew at Fox & Friends from this Sunday, doing their best to carry water for Ryan. Ryan's got his Orwellian spin down painfully well.

MORRIS: And yesterday out on the campaign trail, this subject was not lost on the candidate Paul Ryan making the point yesterday that we need to change our strategy as it relates to our foreign policies. Strength, showing strength and resolve. President Obama has tried a more moderating approach in his outreach to the Middle East in talking about having a hand open, not a clenched fist – recall that from the 2008 election. How has that worked?

Paul Ryan in Florida had a take on it. Have a listen.

RYAN: We're seeing pictures of our President being burned, We're seeing our flags being burned in these foreign capitols all over the world and what we're doing as a result of the Obama foreign policy, by gutting defense, by showing we want to cut defense, by being equivocal, by not speaking up forcefully and clearly for American values of freedom and individual dignity and individual rights and religious freedom, we are projecting weakness abroad.

And if you project weakness abroad a vacuum occurs and it gets filed by people who do not like us. For the sake of our own peace and for the sake of our own security and prosperity, we need peace through strength. That means a strong military. That means a military that is indisputably the strongest in the world. And that is not what we're getting from the Obama doctrine.

The Fox & Friends panel went on to express their dismay over the fact that much of the world doesn't like us and that they're still burning American flags in the streets and to pretty much ignore that our foreign policy has been pissing off people in that region of the world for decades now. They also tried to pretend that any backing away from, rather than a continuation of some of Bush's policies is what has many so angry. Par for the course, it's always upside down land at Fox. Whatever promotes Republicans and neocons talking points is good and whatever supports Democrats is bad. And all of our problems started when President Obama got elected.

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