Paul Ryan: Don't Blame Me For NY-26 Loss! It Was Evil Democrats' Demagoguery On Medicare

Apparently Paul Ryan needed a place to come lick his wounds after the Republicans' loss in New York's 26th district special election loss last night and the crew over at Morning Joe was more than happy to help him mend his bruised ego. Given

Scarborough's screaming tirade yesterday about greedy seniors who want to keep their Medicare being just like someone who wants to eat steak and chocolate cake every day, along with the months on end of fawning coverage of him he's received on this show, Ryan had no doubt he was coming into friendly territory this morning.

When asked about the loss, Ryan of course did not accept any of the blame for the Republicans' loss there. It's the Democrats' fault for "demagoguing" the issue and of course on the independent "Tea Party" candidate being in the race -- it had nothing to do with anger over the Republicans voting to voucherize Medicare. So don't blame him, it was those horrible scary, untrue ads the Democrats ran that they all felt were just terribly unfair.

They also gave him the full segment to lie about how people feel about his plan. According to Ryan, the voters are alright with his plan if they're just given enough time to understand what it does. He also continued to pretend that it does not end Medicare as we know it. It privatizes it and all the happy talk in the world out of Ryan or this bunch isn't going to change that. And Ryan's claim -- that since Medicare would still administer the program, it wouldn't be drastically altered -- is ridiculous.

They showed the ad the Democrats ran showing a Ryan lookalike throwing grandma off of a cliff, which they laughed off as ridiculous since Ryan's plan doesn't affect those over 55 years of age, as though anyone under the age of 55 is not one day going to be that senior, or that those over the age of 55 don't care what happens to their children and grandchildren.

And of course what was missing from this segment? The largest drivers of our debt, which is those Bush tax cuts and our military spending. Heaven forbid we can't talk about either of those. No, the elderly and the poor must be asked to sacrifice instead.

Ryan and the crew on Morning Joe can continue to laugh off and dismiss what happened in yesterday's special election. Let's hope the voters in Wisconsin give them one less reason to keep laughing when they hold their recall elections this summer.

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