Paul Ryan Pretends He's For Ending Oil Subsidies After He Voted For Them

So what are we supposed to believe -- what Paul Ryan says at a town hall meeting, or what Ryan says with the way he votes? I'd say the latter is a safe bet. From Think Progress -- Paul Ryan Endorses Ending Oil Subsidies, Even Though He Voted

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So what are we supposed to believe -- what Paul Ryan says at a town hall meeting, or what Ryan says with the way he votes? I'd say the latter is a safe bet.

From Think Progress -- Paul Ryan Endorses Ending Oil Subsidies, Even Though He Voted For Them:

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) agreed to end subsidies to oil companies during a town hall in Waterford, Wisconsin, this morning, eliciting great applause from an overflow crowd in a very conservative section of his district. “We also want to get rid of corporate welfare,” Ryan insisted. “So we propose to repeal all that”:

Q: The subsidy for the oil companies that the federal government gives. They’ve gotta stop.

RYAN: Sure.

Q: End the oil company subsidies…

RYAN: I agree.

Q: …and you will gain a lot of that money in the red back.

More there on Ryan's voting record so go read the rest. If anyone actually believes that Republicans are going to throw one of their major campaign donors under the bus, as they noted, all you have to do is look at John Boehner's whiplash on the subject.

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