Paul Ryan Touts His 'Self Reliance' During His Teenage Years, Ignoring His Family's Reliance On Social Security Benefits
Congressman Paul Ryan likes to talk a good game, as he did during this speech at the Wisconsin Faith and Freedom Coalition this weekend, where he decries the evils of reliance on government and talks about how he pulled himself up by his own
Congressman Paul Ryan likes to talk a good game, as he did during this speech at the Wisconsin Faith and Freedom Coalition this weekend, where he decries the evils of reliance on government and talks about how he pulled himself up by his own bootstraps as a teen and into his early twenties.
What Ryan conveniently omitted from his speech on this topic is the fact that his family relied on Social Security survivor benefits after his father died of a heart attack when he was 16. If Ryan had his way, that system would be privatized and gone as we know it today.
Ryan attacked President Obama as someone who "is not able to run on his record" when he's the one who's been leading the charge to privatize and dismantle every one of our social safety nets. His speech at Ralph Reed's event was full of fearmongering over what another four years of an Obama administration might bring and Ryan pretending that Republicans have made any sort of good faith efforts to work with him, when anyone that follows how they've governed knows the opposite is true.
This man is the poster child for dismantling Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare and for having not a care in the world that his budget is so awful that every Republican who has an ounce of sense ought to be running from him as quickly as possible given the policies he's put forth and how unpopular they are. But Mitt Romney was happy to have his endorsement and praise his leadership during this same event.
All I can say is that the Republicans are counting on the public being completely misinformed and clueless about what either Ryan or Romney have in store for us if they're willing to vote for either of them. Sadly, I cannot say that the corporate media won't do their best to make sure that happens. They all still love Paul Ryan and continually paint him as somehow "brave" or "courageous" or "honest" for wanting to put the screws to the average American while benefiting the wealthiest among us.