In his May 1 column, Michael Barone falsely claimed Democrats "don't seem to be planning to include" border-enforcement provisions in their plans for immigration reform. In fact, the outline released by Senate Democrats includes extensive enforcement provisions that reportedly "would be more far-reaching than anything in place now" or proposed by the Bush administration.
In fact, immigration reform outline released by Democrats prioritizes border security
Democratic plan sets border security benchmarks that "must be met before action can be taken to adjust the status" of those currently in the U.S. illegally. The "conceptual proposal for immigration reform" recently released by Senate Democrats lists eight border security benchmarks that must be met before the government will adjust the legal status of unauthorized immigrants currently in the U.S. Read on...
I don't like what they're proposing with the ID card and I think that's going to have some real problems ever getting passed. I have to hand it to Noonan though since she was just as harsh with Bush on immigration. Too Bad President Bush has torn the conservative coalition asunder. So she is at least consistent with her freak outs over the brown people who are already doing her gardening, maid work, trash pickup and cooking invading our country.