Petty Woman

Jon Stewart took Sarah Palin to task for her feigned victim-hood during her interview with Sean Hannity the other night.

After yet another pathetic performance on the Sean Hannity show the other night, where both Hannity and Palin were trying to paint her as the victim of this Tucson madness, The Daily Show decides to lower the boom on the thing that is known as Sarah Palin. After complaining (actually whining is more accurate) about the politicization of the shootings, Palin a few minutes later refers to Loughner as "an apolitical or perhaps even left-leaning criminal".

"There must to be a word for complaining vociferously about a wrong being done to you whilst casually committing said wrong without even realizing it," Stewart said. "For now let's call it an 'Anchorage Steamer.'"

Stewart ends with what the rest of us had concluded long ago:

"You have become a lighting rod less for your clarity of vision, but more for your ability to turn any criticism of you of into persecution of you."

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