PolitiFact Fact-Checked Bill Maher On This Week: How About Fact-Checking Matt Dowd?
Well PolitiFact caught Bill Maher getting his facts wrong during this exchange with George Will -- Bill Maher and George Will spar over oil and Brazil
Conservative columnist George Will challenged Maher about Brazil. "Could you just explain to me in what sense has Brazil got off oil?"
"I believe they did," Maher said. "I believe in the 70's they had a program to use sugarcane ethanol, and I believe that is what fuels their country."
"I think they still burn a lot of oil and have a lot of offshore (drilling)," Will said.
"Can we have judges factcheck this on Brazil?" Maher said a few moments later. "I don't think I dreamed that on Brazil."
As PolitiFact noted, Maher was dead wrong on that one and scored a "False" from them. As much as I enjoy a lot of Maher's humor and agree with a lot of but not all of his positions politically, anyone who has read this blog knows that I've also criticized him for not following the issues well enough. If he wants to be a guest on these Sunday shows and spar with George Will, he needs to read up on the subjects that are going to be addressed or don't bother.
That said, can we get PolitiFact to do some fact checking on Matt Dowd as well? He told this whopper while debating Katrina Vanden Heuvel over immigration reform.
VANDEN HEUVEL: By the way, I think the security card is a non-starter, because you have the coalition of privacy advocates meeting those who are deeply suspicious of government. I don't think that goes anywhere.
But I do think we need to fight for a comprehensive reform bill, and the Republicans are not signing on anything.
DOWD: OK, so -- so we can give some proper history to this, the first person to really offer and push for comprehensive immigration reform was George W. Bush, which the Democrats and every -- at every place and every time on everything tried to stop. To me...
VANDEN HEUVEL: Not Senator Kennedy.
DOWD: ... if we don't -- to me, this conversation is another example why people that tune in and people that think they're going to get an answer from Washington, from Democrats or Republicans, on almost any issue, whether it's protecting the environment, whether it's stopping things on Wall Street, whether it's immigration reform, whether it's enforcement of any law, that is why they're fed up.
Now, we can discount the Tea Party movement and say, "Oh, they're a bunch of crazies." They are symptomatic of a situation in the country which has lost total faith and trust in what goes on in the U.S. capital...
Sorry Matt, but George Bush's immigration reform bill got killed by the nativist base of the Republican Party and right wing radio which went crazy and scared the hell out of every Republican that was thinking about signing onto it. There was bipartisan support for the bill before that happened. Maybe PolitiFact can give Matt Dowd a rating for that one as well.