President Obama: Journalists Would Have Been Terrible Farmers And It's About Time Obama Did Something About Media Consolidation

As many problems as I have with the health care bill that just passed, President Obama did make a good point on the media and how they're treating the

Telecommunications Act of 1996. Until I hear him talking about fixing the mess that is the corporate propoganda machine out there that passes itself off for an unbiased media or journalism in our country, he can talk to the hand when complaining about "journalists" even if his point was valid here on how the media is interpreting the polls on the health care bill. There's a larger problem behind those polls and that is media ownership. When I hear him address that or see his administration take some action with breaking up these media companies, I'll have some hope for democracy being restored in the United States.

We do not have a media which informs the public when five or six companies control the vast majority of that music, movies, radio stations, newspapers and television stations the majority of the country listens to, reads to or watches. Obama can bitch all he wants about our media not covering him fairly but until these companies are broken up, nothing is going to change.

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