As they noted, Rachel Maddow tweeted this about her appearance on Meet the Press this Sunday:
DAVID GREGORY: Final question. Is he ready on day one?
REINCE PRIEBUS: He's absolutely ready on day one. And the fact of the matter is that's the threshold test. And he needs that test.
DAVID GREGORY: No foreign policy experience. No private--
DAVID GREGORY: --sector experience?
REINCE PRIEBUS: I think 14 years in Congress, many trips overseas, many trips over in the Middle East. I think Mitt Romney's leadership, Mitt Romney's diversity, at the Olympics, as governor, as someone who understands international business, I think combined these guys are ready on day one and they're the comeback team and they're going to help save this country.
Sorry Reince but as Rachel tweeted, that's not how it works.