Psycho Talk: Giuliani And Beck Doubleheader
Ed Schultz smacks Rudy Giuliani and
Ed Schultz smacks Rudy Giuliani and Glenn Beck for their hackery in this edition of Psycho Talk.
SCHULTZ: And in "Psycho Talk" tonight, so much material out there, we just couldn`t settle on one, so we`ve got a doubleheader for you tonight.
First up, we have Mr. 9/11 himself, Rudy Giuliani. This week he went on "Larry King Live" and criticized President Obama for taking just too long to respond to the Christmas Day terror attempt. When Larry pointed out that President Bush took six days to speak up about the shoe bomber incident, Rudy started to rearrange history.
RUDY GIULIANI (R), FMR. NEW YORK MAYOR: And I believe that six days was before the September 11 attack.
SCHULTZ: Wrong. We all know the shoe bomber incident happened three months after 9/11. But Rudy`s rewriting history continued this morning.
GIULIANI: We had no domestic attacks under Bush. We`ve had one under Obama.
SCHULTZ: No domestic terror attacks under Bush. Hmm.
Rudy, you can`t make 9/11 the cornerstone of your presidential campaign and then just ignore it when it it`s convenient for you to go out and do some fear mongering. Now, that kind of stunt puts you right into "Psycho Talk."
Now, for part two tonight, doubleheader, here we go.
"The Beckster," he steps up to the plate. And, of course, he`s said in the past that he doesn`t have any African-American friends because he`s afraid he might say something wrong. You know, he might say something really wrong.
Somebody would take him wrong if he said. You know, something wrong. And he don`t want that.
In other words, he just can`t keep his racist trap shut. Well, he provided it yesterday on his radio show.
GLENN BECK, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: "African-American" is a bogus PC, made-up term.
BECK: I mean, that`s not a race. That is -- your ancestry is from Africa, and now you live in America.
SCHULTZ: Buddy, you were our Psycho Talker of the Year last year, partly because you called the president a racist. The subject of race clearly isn`t your strong suit. You may not want to -- you might probably want to stay away from all of that.
And if you can`t say something around your friends, you shouldn`t be saying it on the radio. And that lands you right into "Psycho Talk."