Rachel Maddow: The Conservadems
[media id=7557] Rachel Maddow takes the "conservative" Democrats in the Senate to task for sitting on their hands while Bush was in office, and choos
Rachel Maddow takes the "conservative" Democrats in the Senate to task for sitting on their hands while Bush was in office, and choosing now to make themselves look as idiotic as the House Republicans - what with their new coalition and a sudden concern for fiscal responsibility in the middle of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Way to go, geniuses. So nice to see you channeling John Boehner's rhetoric on spending!
Rachel should have just called them what they are: DINO's. Of course, if she did, the list would not be limited to these few. We've got two corporate parties: One that likes unions and actually cares a little bit about governing, and the other that's just lost its damned mind entirely and worships at the throne of Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin.