Rachel Maddow Interviews The Workers From Republic Windows And Doors
Rachel Maddow talks to the workers from Republic Windows and Doors as the continue their sit-in, demanding that the company and Bank of America meet
Rachel Maddow talks to the workers from Republic Windows and Doors as the continue their sit-in, demanding that the company and Bank of America meet their legal and financial obligations to the employees there. The New York Times reports that..
Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich, who met with the workers Monday morning, said the State of Illinois was suspending its business with the Bank of America, Republic Windows’ lenders, and that the Illinois Department of Labor was poised to file a complaint over the plant closing if need be. Political leaders on the Chicago City Council and in Cook County threatened similar actions. Representative Luis V. Gutierrez said he was encouraging the Department of Labor and the Department of Justice to investigate. “Families are already struggling to keep afloat,” Mr. Blagojevich said.
After hearing of President-elect Obama's support for the sit-in the union members said they are "one step below cautiously optomistic" and that talks will continue with Bank of America. If you live in the Chicago area I'm sure these workers would appreciate your support.