Rachel Maddow: 'Maverick' McCain Victim Of His Own Hype

As Rachel Maddow points out after John McCain has decided to pretend he is no longer "the maverick", McCain has not just abandoned what was formerly k

he is no longer "the maverick", McCain has not just abandoned what was formerly known as his brand, but also the subtitle of his own autobiography -- Worth Fighting For: The Education of an American Maverick and Heroes who Inspired Him". Oops. As Maddow notes...

The rare politician will try to disavow the title of his own autobiography, but John McCain is up to the task.

Yes, apparently he is. The crew at the Rachel Maddow Show did a great mash up on this. I agree with Simon Maloy over at Media Matters on this one -- Attention media: You are never, ever allowed to call John McCain a "maverick" ever again. Sadly, even this might not be enough to get them to listen. Give it a year or two if he manages to get reelected and they'll be praising him for his independence again if he gets past his wingnut opponent Hayworth. They'll chalk it up to him playing politics to keep his seat which of course is always OKIYAR, or a "maverick" like John McCain.

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