Red State Update: President Newt, Strong Rick Perry, $10,000 Bet

From the duo at Red State Update -- President Newt, Strong Rick Perry, $10,000 Bet: Jackie and Dunlap discuss Newt Gingrich's frontrunner status and Mitt Romney's $10,000 bet. Plus Jackie does his own version of Rick Perry's "Strong" ad.

[oldembed src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/tMh2md1GAH0" width="425" height="300" resize="1" fid="21"]

From the duo at Red State Update -- President Newt, Strong Rick Perry, $10,000 Bet:

Jackie and Dunlap discuss Newt Gingrich's frontrunner status and Mitt Romney's $10,000 bet. Plus Jackie does his own version of Rick Perry's "Strong" ad.

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