Reihan Salam Attempts To Excuse Beck's Racism And Murdoch's Approval Of His Extremism

After playing some of the extreme rhetoric coming from the likes of Newt Gingrich and Glenn Beck, Chris Matthews asks what’s driving the hysteria over the so called “ground zero mosque” and the apocalyptic language coming from the likes of

a conservative or a liberal these days and during that discussion I was unfortunate enough to come across some of Salam's world view. He apparently thinks that if you're rich and doing well, you deserve it, unlike those lazy people who have don't have the luxury of moving away from the area where you're skills aren't fully appreciated. He's just another one of these hacks trying to put a happy face on the views of today's modern Republican Party who's platform is basically to hell with anyone that works for a living and give our corporations anything they want and if you whiners don't like that race to the bottom, too bad. And in the mean time we'll paint that race as "freedom" for corporations to abuse anyone they want.

And shame on him for defending Beck. You lose your right to pretend you're some sort of moderate conservative when you try to put a happy face on Beck's madness as if his other views weren't bad enough. I'm sick to death of the extreme right being painted as middle of the road by our media.

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