Rep. Jan Schakowsky Will Not Vote For Bill Containing Stupak Amendment

As Digby noted, Bart Stupak continuing to highjack the health care bill by insisting that it contains language allowing for the federal funding of a

As Digby noted, Bart Stupak continuing to highjack the health care bill by insisting that it contains language allowing for the federal funding of abortions (which is an out right lie as Rachel and Jan Schakowsky discussed in the clip) is still a big problem and she thinks that the liberals are of course going to be forced to cave in to the likes of Stupak.

Rachel Maddow talked to Rep. Jan Schakowsky about this tonight and about how the Stupak language as Digby rightfully noted "changes the current law to the extent that it extends the tentacles of the egregious Hyde Amendment into the private sector". Right now, Schakowsky says there's no way she's voting for it if the language stays in there.

It's really disgusting that the Democrats have allowed these C-Street zealots to use the issue of health care to try to force their religious agenda onto women in the United States so that only wealthy women will have control over their own reproductive rights. I guess we'll find out how all of this plays out shortly. I wonder if Stupak is coming to the health care summit this week? If so, will the Democrats be brave enough to call out a member of their own party for lying about the abortion language in the bill? I'm not holding my breath.

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