Gitmo having their orange-glazed chicken.
King: There have never been prisoners that have been treated as good as that. They're in air conditioning. They set the temperature. They get a choice of nine meals off of a menu per day. There was no waterboarding that took place in Gitmo nor in the Western hemisphere contrary to these reports that keep coming out. There are two hundred and forty of the worst of the worst down there and if they are released there will be innocent people killed. We know there is torture taking place on political prisoners in some of the countries in South America. That also includes Cuba and under Castro and that is an outrage. But what the Americans have done is treated these prisoners with the greatest deference any prisoners have ever been treated. And I think if you could see what's going on, the attacks on our guards every day down there. Every day there are guards attacked and the worst we can do to the worst of them is limit their outdoor exercise to two hours a day.
When the next caller asks him if he's in denial, he clarifies his statement with this:
King: I said it didn't happen in the Western hemisphere sir....It happened. It just didn't happen in the Western hemisphere. Three of them.
I'd like to know just where Rep. King is admitting the waterboarding took place.