Republicans Argue We Should Stay In Afghanistan Indefinitely
Here's your "liberal network" MSNBC giving Republicans unchallenged air time to insist that we need to stay in Afghanistan indefinitely, or in other w
Lawrence Sidney Eagleburger became a member of the Iraq Study Group in November 2006 following the November 8, 2006, nomination of Group member Robert M. Gates by President George W. Bush to serve as Secretary of Defense and to replace Donald H. Rumsfeld, who resigned the same day.
Eagleburger, "a retired foreign service officer," served under Group Co-Chair James A. Baker III, "as deputy secretary of state and became secretary of state in August 1992 when Baker became White House chief of staff." [1] Eagleburger also served briefly as Secretary of State under President George H.W. Bush.
Among other boards, Eagleburger has served on the Board of Directors at Halliburton. [2] He is also on the board of counselors for the Arabic media group Layalina Productions.
Eagleburger has either served or is serving with the following:
- Chairman Emeritus, Academy of Diplomacy
- Director, Atlantic Institute (1987)
- Director, Halliburton Company (since 1998)
- Director, International Foundation for Education and Self-Help [2]
- Director, ConocoPhillips
- Director, Stimsonite
- Director, Universal Corporation
- Director, Corning Corporation
- Director, COMSAT
- Advisory Board, OILspace
- Strategy Board Member, Appian Group
- Member, Council on Foreign Relations (1988, 2001)
- Member, Trilateral Commission (1992, 1998)
- Advisory Committee, AmeriCares (at least in 2004)
- Former Director, It's My Party Too [3]
- National Honorary Advisory Council, Council for America's First Freedom [4]
And it's not just these two. That's all I've heard out of the right wing yappers for the last two days, endless wars and continue to enrich the military industrial complex as they bankrupt our country.