Rev. Al Sharpton Hits Jack Kingston For Defending Trickle Down Economics

The Rev. Al Sharpton filling in for Cenk Uygur today did a pretty good job of making Rep. Jack Kingston tie himself into knots trying to explain his support for keeping things like tax loopholes for hedge fund managers in place and for defending tax

The Rev. Al Sharpton filling in for Cenk Uygur today did a pretty good job of making Rep. Jack Kingston tie himself into knots trying to explain his support for keeping things like tax loopholes for hedge fund managers in place and for defending tax cuts for the wealthy as supposedly creating jobs.

He let him get away with a few things, like pretending that some "fair tax" or flat tax would do nothing but benefit the wealthy, but all in all he did a better job of holding his feet to the fire on some of their tired and nonsensical talking points than you normally see from most of the hosts on MSNBC or anywhere else for that matter.

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