Rich Lowry Gets His Panties In A Bunch Over Cee-Lo Singing F**k You Uncensored At Obama Fundraiser

I'm waiting for Cee-Lo Green to become the next Bill Maher over at Fox "News" to join in the false equivalencies game after this little stunt of his at an Obama fundraiser. Artist Cee-Lo sings ‘F**K You’ uncensored at Obama

I'm waiting for Cee-Lo Green to become the next Bill Maher over at Fox "News" to join in the false equivalencies game after this little stunt of his at an Obama fundraiser.

Artist Cee-Lo sings ‘F**K You’ uncensored at Obama fundraiser:

Music superstar Cee-Lo provided a very colorful moment during a fundraiser from President Barack Obama Friday evening in Atlanta, Georgia, singing the uncensored version of his hit song “F**k You.”

NBC’s The Voice co-host was scheduled to perform the PG version of the song titled “Forget You” with “forget” replacing the four letter swear word. But Cee-Lo was motivated to perform the song in the original way he created it after flashing a middle finger to the audience and asking, “Can I cuss?”

As Andrew Jones at Raw Story pointed out, Rich Lowry, who was filling in for Sean Hannity Friday night, was apparently unaware of who Cee-Lo Green even was before watching this clip and going on about the "incivility" in in our politics these days and Lowry wondered why someone from the Obama campaign staff didn't warn him ahead of time not to do this.

As one of the guests on the panel, Mo Elleithee pointed out, it's likely he was talked to ahead of time about not cursing on stage and just didn't listen and once someone is in the middle of a performance, it's next to impossible to control what they do. Personally, I find it a lot more offensive and uncivil to do what Fox does every day, which is lie to their viewers and spread propaganda 24/7 than someone cursing in a song, not that I think it was too terribly bright for Cee-Lo to have done this, knowing full well the Obama administration was going to get attacked for it.

One of the commenters over at Raw Story pointed to this video as their favorite version of Cee-Lo's song and I had not seen this before I read their comment. I thought I'd share it here, and it's not safe for work, and I'm sure Rich Lowry would disapprove of this video as well. I was told by one of my fellow contributors here that the gal in the video received an A+ from her teacher after this performance.

[oldembed src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/sv3tadz5Q3o" width="450" height="335" resize="1" fid="21"]

Here's the caption from the video above on You Tube:

My name is Anna and this is my final for a college level sign language class. I am not deaf and still learning sign language and encourage others to learn sign language as well! Thank you so much for all the love.

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