Right America: Feeling Wronged: Watching Republicans Grieve

I just had a chance to watch HBO's documentary Right America: Feeling Wronged I don't know how anyone can watch the film and not agree with the point

The 5 Signs of Republican and Tea Party Unity:

After a year of denying the obvious, the American media is finally coming to the conclusion that the supposed Tea Party movement is simply a continuation of the failed 2008 Republican presidential campaign by other means. As the data show, the vast majority Tea Baggers don't merely identify themselves as Republicans, they vote for the GOP as well. And as it turns out, the wildest myths propagated by the Tea Bagger are broadly accepted by the Republican faithful. Even in their casual incitements to violence, they are, as Jon Stewart aptly put it last year, "confusing tyranny with losing." Read on...

Of course any of us that followed the presidential elections closely and this astroturf Tea Party movement since it first started came to that same conclusion a long time ago. Alexandra Pelosi talked to Salon about her experience making the documentary -- Watching Republicans grieve:

When Alexandra Pelosi made the Emmy-winning documentary "Journeys With George" in 2000, about her 18 months on the campaign trail with soon-to-be-President George W. Bush, her mother, Nancy, was not yet speaker of the House, and the name "Pelosi" was not yet an epithet on the lips of Republicans.

Eight years later, Pelosi went back out on the GOP campaign trail and into the lion's den, in the waning days of John McCain's failed bid for the White House. In her latest film, "Right America: Feeling Wronged," which debuts on HBO Monday night, Pelosi attends McCain and Sarah Palin rallies in 28 states and puts her microphone in the faces of some very passionate conservatives. As defeat looms, she watches the Republican base go through a very public grieving process, with most of the stages that psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross described -- denial, depression and a whole lot of anger -- but not very much acceptance. Salon spoke to Pelosi by phone. Read on...

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