Right Wing Media Continues To Drag Out Black Conservatives To Attack Obama's Speech On Race
Fox's Huckabee managed to find yet another black conservative to repeat all of their talking points and attack President Obama for the speech he gave on race this Friday.
I don't know what the salary is to be a spokespuppet for Rep. Dana Rohrabacher like Tara Setmayer, who appeared on Huckabee's show this Saturday and attacked President Obama's speech, but my guess is someone is paying her well with a lot of wingnut welfare for her to be willing to spread this much hatred and bullshit on national television and still look herself in the mirror when she gets up the next morning.
Setmayer wants the audience at Fox to believe that it's somehow "beneath the President" for Obama to talk about race, because, you know, no one's allowed to do that other than the race baiters over at Fox. How dare our first President of color think it's his place to talk about racism, or what he experienced first hand. How arrogant of him to do that and upset all of these right-wingers who want to pretend racism is dead in America because President Obama was elected.
SETAMAYER: You know, I look at this with great sadness as I watched this unfold yesterday live from my office in Washington, and I said to myself, “How dare the President of the United States lower himself to the same level as these race merchants, who are out here trying to gin up racial... race relations, in a way that is just absolutely inaccurate and not true.
This is beneath the office of the presidency. No! He's the President of the United States. He's not the black president. He didn't run that way. He ran as a man who could transcend race. No one was supposed to talk about him as a black man. He was supposed to transcend race and this was a missed opportunity for him to come in and say, “You know what, this case was not about race. This case was about the rule of law.”
The case didn't... actually, he never should have commented on it in the first place. It's a local case and he should have kept quiet about it.
MYSTAL: He's not the President of just black people.
SETAMAYER: No, he's not! But you just said he was!
MYSTAL: He's not the President of just black people...
SETAMAYER: He sure was yesterday!
MYSTAL: … but he is a black President.
SETAMAYER: He was the President of black people yesterday afternoon.
MYSTAL: … and as a black President, he had something to say about this, and I don't think that it's right to say that he's not allowed to speak about it.
SETAMAYER: I didn't say that he's not allowed to speak about it. I just wonder if it's beneath the office for him to suggest race that way.
Shameful. Just really shameful. I thought maybe we'd come close to hitting bottom with some of this crap a while back, but sadly, we're nowhere close.