Right-Wing Radio Host Fischer Upset By Female Breadwinners

The AFA's Bryan Fischer is back at it again, this time finding new ways to offend women.

Right Wing Watch noted, when radio host and AFA director Bryan Fischer reacted to the new research that mothers are now the primary or sole breadwinners in forty percent of households with children in America, it "was exactly what you'd expect from sexist, borderline theocrat as he cited the Bible to assert that women were designed to be ruled over by their husbands and 'to focus her energies ... on making a home for her children and for her husband.'"

Someone needs to ask this guy to go crawl back into the closet and quit trying give other people marital advice, or advice of any kind for that matter, thank you.

Here's more from Raw Story: Christian radio host upset by female breadwinners: Women not designed to be providers:

Reacting to news that mothers were now the primary source of income in 40 percent of U.S. households, Fischer claimed Wednesday that men were “designed to be breadwinners for their families.”

“That’s the way God set it up, that’s the way he designed it,” he continued. “Husbands are to use their stamina and their strength and their brainpower — not that they’re smarter than women, I’m not saying that — but God has given them a brain and the purpose for using their mental ability is to provide for their families.”

Women, on the other hand, were designed to focus on “making a home for her children and for her husband.”

Fisher also warned that men’s self-esteem was dependent upon their success as breadwiners. A wife that earned more money than her husband was a recipe for marital turmoil, he warned.

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