Adviser Tara Wall Can't Specify Which Tax Loopholes Romney Will Close
I think Mitt Romney needs to find himself some better spokespeople to come on television for him. Tara Wall couldn't even handle Little Luke Russert back in July of this year. This Monday she had her hands full with Chris Jansing -- Asked For
Tara Wall, an adviser to Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign who has proven unable to outline policy specifics before, struggled on Monday to specify a single loophole Romney would close to pay for his proposed massive tax cuts. Romney has said he would eliminate loopholes that benefit wealthy taxpayers to avoid increasing the deficit or raising taxes on middle income families.
Wall continued that tradition on MSNBC. When asked by host Chris Jansing which specific loopholes Romney would close, Wall demurred, instead choosing to talk about “pro-growth policies,” “energy independence,” and Obamacare, none of which are tax loopholes:
JANSING: What are the loopholes you would close? Will you tell the American people how you’re going to to this better place that you say they have?
WALL: Well, again, the campaign has laid out a number of specifics relative to the principles that will guide the policies of a Romney-Ryan ticket. [...] Again, the specification include policies that are pro-growth in nature, that reduce the deficit, that reduce the burden on taxpayers and small businesses, small businesses number one have been hit hard by a number of regulations that have stifled growth and job creation. And so number one, those are some of the things you have to start with.
JANSING: Well, with all due respect, a pro-growth policy is not specific.
WALL: The other part of that is energy independence. That’s an approach to energy independence that will create millions of jobs. There is a target of 12 million jobs by the Romney-Ryan target. Relative to those loopholes that you mention, I agree that Congressman Ryan pointed out taht have to be put out in a public debate. But I think, again, we have to look at the overall principles that are going to drive the policies and not ram through policy as we saw with Obamacare.
As we've discussed here before and they did in the Think Progress post, of course they're not going to let anyone know what loopholes they'd close because their math doesn't add up unless you tax the middle class or bust the budget. Wall might be short on facts here, but she hasn't forgotten how to talk over her host to make sure they can't get a word in while she's refusing to answer their questions. Republican pundits must practice at filibustering like this because it's something they've all learned too well unfortunately.