Ron Christie CNN's Only Pundit To Follow Rush's Speech

[media id=7449] You Tube Following CNN's hour and fifteen minute or so long commercial free info-mercial they gave Rush Limbaugh, who do they bring

You Tube

Following CNN's hour and fifteen minute or so long commercial free info-mercial they gave Rush Limbaugh, who do they bring in for commentary after they've subjected their viewers to a full dose of right wing radio talking points? CNN's Bill Schneider and Mark Preston, and Ron Christie, who of course defends Rush Limbaugh's speech at CPAC. So CNN's idea of balance is three of their talking heads and one far right wing former Cheney aide Ron Christie who never met a racial slur from anyone on the right he didn't want to defend.

They did actually show a few of the comments on Twitter at the end of the segment which I hear are almost all negative in response to Limbaugh's speech. Maybe bothering to give the viewers some stats as to just how many negative comments they got would have offered some sort of balance but they chose not to do that. They decided instead to give a voice to someone who is on the extreme right to defend Limbaugh and the only balance being a couple of their milk toast reporters.

So CNN, what's up? You worried about trying to pick up some of Fox News' market share or what? I know Saturdays are slow news days but when are you going to give the same air time to someone on the left with no commercials? How about you give an hour commercial free to the keynote speaker at Daily KOS's Netroots Nation this year?

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