Santorum: Democrats Are Worried Obama May Go To Indonesia And Bow To More Muslims

Oh here we go again. Man-on-dog Rick Santorum with more of this "bow-gate" nonsense on Greta Van Susteren's show. They just can't stop themselves, can

"bow-gate" nonsense on Greta Van Susteren's show. They just can't stop themselves, can they?

Santorum: I think the Democrats actually worry he may go to Indonesia and bow to more Muslims. I think that's sort of the concern that every time he seems to go to these other countries he comes back or starts some sort of controversy that hits his popularity. I'm serious, I think...

Van Susteren: So you're not being sarcastic?

Santorum: I'm not being sarcastic. I think... I'm not... I'm being sarcastic with bowing to a Muslim, but I'm saying he has not had his trips overseas go over well here in the United States. I mean the apology tour and some of the other things... what went on in Israel this past week with the Vice President. It's not working out well for them.

Yeah, no sarcasm meant there, huh Rick? The place his trips aren't working out well for him are with your propaganda station and your friends on right wing hate radio that trash him for bullshit so you can give your wingnut base another non-issue to get worked into a lather over. That and continuing to attempt to paint the Democrats as weak on National Security even though your buddy George Bush did more to destroy our reputation in the world than anyone I can think of in modern history.

h/t Media Matters

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