Sarah Palin Attacks President Obama For 'Pussy-Footing Around' On Bin Laden Photo Release

I think Sarah Palin might have had to block everyone that follows her in any way shape or form on Twitter this week after her attack on President Obama for "pussy-footing around" on the release of the photos of a dead Osama bin Laden. For anyone

search of her name, the comments on there are pretty brutal, not that I feel sorry for her.

TPM has more on her Tweet -- Palin: Obama 'Pussy-Footing' By Not Releasing Photo Of Dead Bin Laden:

Just three days after the world learned President Obama ordered a daring special operations mission resulting in the death of Osama bin Laden, Sarah Palin has come around to claim he's "pussy-footing around" -- specifically by not immediately releasing photos of the deceased al Qaeda leader. To underscore the irony, Palin claims the pictures should be released "as warning to others seeking America's destruction" -- one day after numerous reports had her moving in a more pragmatic direction on foreign policy.

Palin took to Twitter, one of her go-to modes of communications, moments after news broke that Obama would not release the bin Laden photos.

"Show photo as warning to others seeking America's destruction. No pussy-footing around, no politicking, no drama;it's part of the mission," she said.

It's unclear why she thinks photos of bin Laden's corpse will scare suicidal terrorists.

It's unclear what Sarah Palin thinks about most anything other than how to be a flame thrower and make sure she lines her pocket while doing it, so this doesn't come as much of a surprise to me.

And as Media Matters noted, of course this is nothing but more double-speak out of Palin -- VIDEO: Palin Was For Killing Terrorists In Pakistan Before She Was Against It.

Color me not shocked after watching her in action over the last few years.

Hardball's Chris Matthews, Salon's Joan Walsh and the Washington Post's Eugene Robinson discussed Palin's flame throwing and sadly poor Robinson found himself having to argue on the same side as Palin with whether these photos should be released or not.

The big difference there of course is Robinson would like to put an end to any of the conspiracy theories out there and was advocating for the public's right to know that they actually did kill bin Laden. Palin on the other hand is just doing what she can to raise her profile so she can make as much money as possible at her next event where someone is silly enough to pay her to show up and speak.

I don't necessarily care if the photos are released for all of the obvious reasons that have been discussed ad nauseum in the press, but I would like to see some other information they gathered that confirmed his death because I do agree with Eugene Robinson that the public does has a right to know they're being told the truth. That said, I'll be more than happy to finally see the grifter Sarah Palin's fifteen minutes of fame finally be up and for the media to quit reporting on what this nitwit posts on her Twitter page or Facebook without making her come on the air for follow up.

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