Sarah Palin Promotes Her Upcoming Reality Series During Campaign Speech

Sarah Palin was out campaigning for Marco Rubio in Florida this weekend the former half-term Governor just couldn't resist getting a plug in for her upcoming reality series. The grifter probably didn't make the Republican establishment too happy

Sarah Palin was out campaigning for Marco Rubio in Florida this weekend the former half-term Governor just couldn't resist getting a plug in for her upcoming reality series. The grifter probably didn't make the Republican establishment too happy with her praise of "he that shall not be mentioned", George W. Bush as well. Palin also pretended that Ronald Reagan would still be welcome in today's Republican Party instead of being run out of town on a rail after being called a "librul".

I'm still wondering why anyone lines up to see Sarah-Mc-Word-Salad because besides being extremely incoherent, listening to her is akin to listening to fingernails running across a chalkboard.

PALIN: Thank you so much, Orlando! Thank you! Thank you, Michael. Thank you so much. You look beautiful! Thank you so much, Orlando. Michael leading victory 2010. Thank you so much for all your efforts. Orlando, let me ask you, aren't you proud to be an American and don't you love your freedom!

PALIN: All right, and then we know who to thank for these freedom, for protecting our Constitution. We thank our vets, the United States military. Those of you who have served, we salute you, we thank you, United States military. Ah, it is so good to be here. And as we recognize and appreciate those who have defended our freedoms, it occurs to me how much Alaska and Florida have in common.

Though you may not think a lot of similarities, we do. We do. And going coast to coast, you know, the patriotic hardworking, unpretentious job-creating Americans who are here, in Alaska and everywhere in between, are thinking you're lucky, you're going to get to learn a little more about my state here in the coming weeks, because there's this docu-series thing coming out.

Listen, OK, we taped these eight episodes about a place that is near and dear to my heart, all about the pioneers and the independence and the development that's needed and resources and a place that I have spent my efforts and all my time. It's called "Sarah Palin's Alaska," and the producers are already ready with their sequel.

And it's going to be based on a place that's near and dear to our president's heart, it's called "Barack Obama's golf courses," and it starts taping sometime November 2012. Look for that. Look for that, because victory 2010 is just the beginning, folks. Michael and these folks are going to lead us to victory 2012, too. So he'll have plenty of time for golf then.

Truly, it is so great to be in the sunshine state, where positive change truly is just around the corner. You know, as an outsider looking in at Florida, I think you all have some simple choices to make, some pretty easy decisions around here. You can either vote for the status quo, that means more taxes, more unemployment, more regulation, more government overreach. Or you can vote for those policies and those people that will put Florida back to work and America back to work on November 2nd. Yes.

PALIN: Choices you have to put Florida and all of America back to work. What this great country needs is a little bit of good old Reaganism.

PALIN: And Michael, as we had to do last week in California, we had to explain a little bit to the media why it is we do quote Reagan so often. Because there have been some reports lately about, "geez, what is all this Reagan stuff? Why are they always talking?" And well, you're not going to hear us invoke Alinsky (INAUDIBLE) or Mao or Wright or kind of a Reagan sort of crowd around here. That's why we quote Reagan.

So I shall be invoking Reagan's name again and again and again. Because what Obama, Pelosi and Reid have created for us is a blueprint of things that don't work in this country. They don't work to get our economy roaring back to life. Whereas Reagan, he gave us a an agenda and a way of thinking that does apply to what is right and what has worked, because his way of thinking, which we need to apply today, was based on some common sense Reagan principles that were based on time-tested truths.

Simple things that he believed in because they work. That's lower taxes, less government intrusion and overreach. Smaller, smarter government, and remember the national security policy. Back then, as Michael Steele spoke of, that national security policy was lived out by our native son and his good brother, Jeb and G.W., remember what he lived out to? The national security policy of we win, and they lose.

Now, the momentum is with us. The momentum is with us. But now is not the time to let up. Now is the time where we dig deep. Now in these last 10 days is where we work extremely hard as Michael said, we exhaust ourselves. And it really, it feels good to exhaust ourselves to know that we are going to do all that we can to get that vote out, to walk the precinct blocks, to drop the literature, to make the phone calls.

It's up to you as volunteers to get that vote out, doing all that you can for November 2nd to get the vote out. In order to put our government back on the side of the people, to turn things around and get America back growing, thriving, prospering. As Michael said too, y, it isn't over until it's over. These last 10 days, we can't be thinking that we got it in the bag. We can't get cocky about this yet. You know, we got to keep on working extremely hard. We got to leave the "Dancing to the Stars.

Soon we'll all be celebrating because I have faith that Florida is going to make the right decisions. The simple choices to put America back on the right track, to get Floridians back to work by electing the right people, who know those time-tested truths that can be applied.

Now, this is when we kick it in gear. We have to dig deep. We have to know these candidates have to know that you are there for them, that you're doing all that you can in order to get that vote out. You got to put in those 16, 18, 20-hour days. It does feel good to know, especially on November 3rd, that you are doing now and that you have done everything that you can within your power to get the vote out.

And it's in order to restore our republic and to renew America. We have life and death choices coming up on November 2nd. Policies that are hinging on who it is that we send to Washington, D.C. and that we fill up our statehouses with. This is paramount. This is the election, I think, of our lifetime. It is that important that we do all that we can.

PALIN: We have to do all that we can.

YELLIN: Sarah Palin speaking in Orlando, championing the Republican agenda, slamming President Obama and managing to plug her new cable TV show. We'll bring you more of Sarah Palin live on the other side of this break. Stay with us.

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