First, fix the estate tax giveaway:
House Democrats think this trade-off should be debated and voted on in the light of day. With Washington Republicans sharpening their budget knives to cut spending on national priorities such as education, border security and public safety, it is hard to believe they think it's wise to give a windfall to heirs such as Paris Hilton. Let's find out if Republicans really want to jeopardize income tax, payroll tax and estate tax relief for every American in order to provide a budget-busting bonanza to the country's richest estates.
Scarborough didn't like Van Hollen pointing out that it is primarily people who don't work for a living, who just happened to get lucky by being born into the right family that will be benefiting from lowering that rate. Instead, as Media Matters pointed out, he joined the Fox yappers who have been demonizing the estate tax and pushing the family farm myth.
Hey Joe... you can't pay any taxes if you're, you know... dead. The children of those who are passing that money on didn't "earn" that money, they inherited it. So they haven't already been taxed on it.