Scott Walker Claims He's Never Met The Koch Brothers And Doesn't Know Who Breitbart Is

Well, MSNBC and CNN may have cut away from Scott Walker taking questions after he got punked by the fake Koch brother, but Fox's Greta Van Susteren actually asked Walker about the incident on her show this Wednesday. Walker claimed he'd never spoken

MSNBC and CNN may have cut away from Scott Walker taking questions after he got punked by the fake Koch brother, but Fox's Greta Van Susteren actually asked Walker about the incident on her show this Wednesday. Walker claimed he'd never spoken to the Koch brothers before and he was just taking a phone call from one of the countless people who call him every day when he allowed the... you know... fake Koch brother to take up twenty minutes of his time.

It's pretty amazing that someone he's never talked to before managed to get twenty minutes with him when Democratic legislators and union leaders have said he's not taking their calls. But of course Greta didn't ask him about that.

Walker also claimed he had no idea who Andrew Breitbart was when Van Susteren quoted him responding to the fake Koch brother saying he was going to bring him in to cause trouble at the protests.

WALKER: Look, yeah. I don't even know who that is.

VAN SUSTEREN: You don't know who that is?

WALKER: No. I've never met the Koch brothers before so this is obviously why someone calling could prank me because I've never talked to him before. I know he's an employer in the state and in the end, I mean, I think it's interesting because the prankster there tried to insinuate at least that this person was going to push for people to come in and cause a disturbance amongst the protesters. I made it very clear, that's not right. That doesn't work. That has no value.

VAN SUSTEREN: But you thought about it. When you brought up the part about doing dirty tricks with the crowd, you said well, at least you're quoted as saying, you know well the only problem with that, because we thought about that, the problem that, my only gut reaction that is right now the lawmakers I've talked to have completely had it with them. The public isn't really fond of this.

WALKER: Right because in the end the protesters have not overwhelmed them. They've realized they've come in from other states.

VAN SUSTEREN: But you thought about it.

WALKER: Well yeah, we had people contact us, I had people, I even had lawmakers in other states suggesting riling things up. When I pointed out, increasingly and I've said this all over the media, I've said it in all my interviews, is that we've had a civil discourse amongst people here in the state of Wisconsin. My great fear was of people coming from other states. My biggest fear was last Saturday when you had protesters both for and against the bill coming in. I thought you were going to have some major collisions between the two and thank god, we didn't have any disturbances. I think it's because the people of the state are the ones thriving.

Yeah, thank god that thing I was thinking about doing but chose not to for purely political reasons didn't end up in any of my constituents being exposed to some violence at these otherwise peaceful protests. What a schmuck. And just who are these lawmakers from other states? You want to fill us in on that Scott? Shorter Scott Walker: Koch brothers, what Koch brothers? Oh those guys. Barely met 'em. Breitbart, who's that? Trip, what trip? Did I say I wanted to go on a trip? I'm just looking out for the voters of Wisconsin.

Good grief what a horrible liar. Walker obviously thinks the voters of Wisconsin are idiots incapable of listening to a recording or reading a transcript. When John Nichols was talking to Ed Schultz about Walker's potential ethical and legal problems after this prank, he said there hasn't been anything that the voters of Wisconsin have been paying as much attention to since Brett Favre quit the Packers. I hope as many of them as possible get a chance to watch this little lie-fest with Greta since they're obviously paying attention to what's going on.

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