Sean Duffy Yells Over Krystal Ball While Lying About Medicare Cuts

MSNBC's The Cycle decided to bring on Wisconsin Rep. Sean Duffy for a discussion on Medicare among other topics and when one of the co-hosts, Krystal Ball, got a chance to weigh in and dispute Duffy's claims that President Obama is "stealing"

Fox Claims Ryan Is Trying To Save Medicare, Blames Obama.

And for a little reminder of just who Sean Duffy is, here's Nicole's post on him from March of last year: Break Out The Tiny Violins: WI Rep Eager To Cut State Employee Salaries Says "It's A Struggle" To Make It on $174K A Year.

It's painfully obvious the man hasn't gotten any less obnoxious since that time. And for a little trip to opposite land, here's right wing hack Noah Rothman's take on the same segment over at Abram's place, where this type of completely dishonest headline is all too common from this guy: GOP Rep. Sean Duffy Slams MSNBC Host For Being Dishonest About Medicare Reform. Even a bunch of the commenters there, which normally reads like something out of Free Republic or The Hill, were calling him out for being full of it with the way the story was framed.

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