someone who is still giving grifter Sarah Palin some air time on Fox "news" during the Ames, Iowa straw poll, even though it's looking less and less likely that she's going to throw her hat into the 2012 Republican presidential primary race.
As our friends at News Hounds noted -- In Case You've Been Wondering Whatever Happened To "I'm Not A Witch" Christine O'Donnell...:
Christine "I'm not a witch" O'Donnell, the failed Tea Party senate candidate of 2010, has not melted or flown away. She has a new book out and, not surprisingly, she made a visit to the Hannity show as part of her Republican Rehab tour. Judging from the lapdog interview tonight, she's still got Sean Hannity in her back pocket.
Apparently Christine O'Donnell is now part of the wingnut-welfare book club where even if no one wants to buy your book, Fox will promote it and if you're really lucky, conservative groups will buy them up in mass so you end up in a spot where you don't belong on a best sellers list.