Shep Smith Asks How Senators Sleep At Night After Filibustering 9-11 First Responders Bill

Looks like at least one person over at Fox News watched Jon Stewart's segment with 9-11 first responders reacting to the Senate filibuster and decided to let everyone know how they felt about it. Via Mediaite: A wonderful moment of pure

Jon Stewart's segment with 9-11 first responders reacting to the Senate filibuster and decided to let everyone know how they felt about it.

Via Mediaite:

A wonderful moment of pure outrage–and classic television–from Shepard Smith on Fox News Friday afternoon as he and Chris Wallace waited for President Obama’s tax cut signing ceremony.

Discussing the amount of money on “tax cuts for billionaires who don’t need them,” Smith railed against the very same lawmakers who somehow couldn’t get relief passed for 9/11 first responders.

How do they sleep at night after this vote on Ground Zero first responders from 9/11? Are they going to get that done, or are we going to leave these American heroes out there to twist in the wind? [...]

Who’s going to hold these people’s feet to the fire? We’re able to put a 52 story building so far down there at Ground Zero, we’re able to pay for tax cuts for billionaires who don’t need them and it’s not going to stimulate the economy. But we can’t give health care to Ground Zero first responders who ran right into the fire? Went down there to save people? Do people know what this city was like that day? People were walking over bridges they were covered in ash they were running for their lives they were crying their family members were dead. And these people ran to Ground Zero to save people’s lives. And we’re not going to even give them medicine for the illnesses they got down there? It’s disgusting, it’s a national disgrace, it’s a shame and everybody who voted against should have to stand up and account for himself or herself.

I'm glad Smith pointed out what an outrage this is, but like his cohort Peter Johnson Jr., Smith didn't bother to let the viewers know that it's the Republicans blocking the bill.

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