Shep Smith Confronts Michael Steele On The GOP's Over The Top Rhetoric

Shepard Smith needs to find a new network to work for since he clearly didn't tow the line with how ClusteFox usually does business in this intervie

Shepard Smith needs to find a new network to work for since he clearly didn't tow the line with how ClusteFox usually does business in this interview with Michael Steele. I keep wondering when one too many times of doing this sort of thing is going to cost him his job. I didn't catch this when it first aired but I can only take Fox in small doses before wanting to break my TV screen. Thankfully the folks at Media Matters have a stomach for this stuff that I don't.

Smith points out that Boehner called passing the health care bill armageddon for the Democrats and that another Congressman called it a "baby killer". Steele tries to claim that the rhetoric is not a reflection of what the GOP leadership is saying, but just what "average folks out there are saying" about the bill that they're reflecting. When Smith called him out for it Steele attacks Smith personally and says he's toting the "Democrat" talking point.

It's really pitiful that the GOP and their leadership continue to drum up the hatred while refusing to take any responsibility for it. Given the fact that Smith is actually willing to challenge any of these guys when they're spouting their party line B.S. on his show, I'd gladly welcome him to the MSNBC line up to replace Scar in the Morning if MSNBC ever decides that horrid show's ratings are low enough to get rid of it.

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