Sorry Wolf, But Democrats Don't Have Any Equivalent To Allen West

This is the type of segment where CNN shows itself to be every bit as bad as Fox, where we're constantly treated to the false equivalency game when talking about crazy Republican members of Congress who've gone off the rails, as Rep. Allen West does

Allen West's statements at a campaign rally where he was bashing the Affordable Care Act and the Supreme Court's ruling on the matter and made the outrageous statement that President Obama would "rather have you be his slave" for possibly allowing taxes to go up and made the ridiculous analogy that everyone should possibly have to purchase a Glock 9mm handgun if you're going to make them purchase health insurance.

And of course rather than admit or say out loud that it is the Republican Party that is the problem and won't control the flame throwing mouthbreathers within their ranks, here's Blitzer pretending there's anyone on the Democratic side of the aisle acting the same way:

BLITZER: You're not going to defend that kind of language. And I deplore that kind of language when a Democrat says it or a Republican says it.

Note to Wolf Blitzer -- there is no equivalent on the Democratic side of the aisle to Allen West's insanity. We don't have anyone acting like McCarthy and calling members of the other party Communists. But Republicans have a whole bunch of them in their ranks, a few of which were actually running for president during this primary season.

And how pathetic is it that Reince Priebus can't dare renounce West here? Is he so afraid of the racists in the Republican base that he can't refute this kind of talk? It's really just shameful, but Republicans have proven they're incapable of feeling shame, so getting them to change their ways out of any sense of decency isn't going to happen, because they don't have any.

Transcript of their exchange below the fold.

BLITZER: Let's talk about Allen West for a moment. This is the Congressman from South Florida, as you know. He is a Republican.

PRIEBUS: Yes, I know Allen.

BLITZER: He's a military veteran. You know him. I'm sure you like him, probably, right?


He suggested a few months ago that there were all these Communist Party members in the Democratic Party -- I don't remember the exact number, 68 or 70 or close to 80 Communist Party members in the Democratic Party and Democratic representatives in the House. And now he says this -- he was at a town hall meeting. Listen to this.


REP. ALLEN WEST (R), FLA.: He does not want you to have the self-esteem of getting up and earning and having that title of American. He'd rather you be his slave.


BLITZER: He'd rather you be his slave. He's referring to the President of the United States. He says that he doesn't like Americans having the title of American. He'd rather see you as a slave.

What is that? You know, you can't justify Allen West saying that, talking about slavery.

PRIEBUS: Well, first of all, I'm not the police officer of the Republican Party. So Allen can have -- say what Allen wants to say. But I think what he's really trying to say is that if we become a dependent society, if everyone is reliant on the government -- I mean, listen, Barack Obama's the one that put out this life of Julia website.

I think we all know what that is. It's a life of a girl from preschool to, I think, death or near death, showing how every step of her life --

BLITZER: Is she a slave?

PRIEBUS: Well, I think she's dependent on government to the --

BLITZER: So she's a slave?

PRIEBUS: I -- you know what, listen, I mean, it's semantics. I'm not going to defend -- I don't know --

BLITZER: I know you're not going to -- I know you very well. I know you well.


BLITZER: You're not going to defend that kind of language. And I deplore that kind of language when a Democrat says it or a Republican says it.

PRIEBUS: But I say I --

BLITZER: He shouldn't be talking like this. It's bad enough, this -- the lack of civility in our politics.

PRIEBUS: Well, two things. One, Allen West is one of the most dynamic new Republican stars in our party. That's number one.


BLITZER: You're not going to (inaudible) this?

PRIEBUS: He's got a bright future. But let me tell you, but I'm more embarrassed about is the president that is -- that can't keep a promise, that has an American economy that's in the ditch, that somehow is trying to perpetrate some myth to the American people that he's not to blame for --

BLITZER: I'm surprised --

PRIEBUS: -- or has no role --


PRIEBUS: -- in where we are --

BLITZER: You called him a dynamic star.

PRIEBUS: -- in the American economy.

BLITZER: A guy who says 70 members of the Democratic Congress are Communist card-carrying members. And now he says the president would rather see us as slaves.

PRIEBUS: Allen West is an important member of Congress from South Florida. I'm not going to throw Allen West in a ditch. I don't -- that's the first I've heard the comment here, Wolf, I mean, on your show.

The fact of the matter is I think what's most important in this debate is where we are as a country, whether the very idea of America is going to continue and what Barack Obama's done about it. That's what's on the ballot.

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