A Special Comment: The Death Of Osama Bin Laden
Keith's coming back on the air June 20th at Current TV, but for now he's posting at his blog and he had a Special Comment on the death of Osama bin Laden and whether this finally means the end of the talking point used by Republicans for ages
Keith's coming back on the air June 20th at Current TV, but for now he's posting at his blog and he had a Special Comment on the death of Osama bin Laden and whether this finally means the end of the talking point used by Republicans for ages that somehow they are the party to be trusted and strong on National Security and the Democrats are nothing but a bunch of liberal, terrorist loving hippies and if you vote for them, the terrorists are going to kill us all and you die.
I personally would prefer the Democratic Party to be doves on issues of national security and for us to finally quit pretending that dropping more bombs on poor people's heads is ever going to make there be less people who hate us or want to commit acts of terrorism.
From a purely political standpoint though, I think Keith hit this on on the head. The GOP is going to have a lot of trouble recovering from a Democratic president taking out bin Laden and as he put it, the Republicans' arguments that somehow Democrats are weak on national security are as dead as bin Laden.
I hope he's right because frankly I'm tired of watching the Republicans play politics with the fear card and get away with it. How the party of Reagan who sold arms to terrorists, or Rumsfeld who was Saddam's best buddy back in the day, or how they managed to get away with smearing John Kerry or Max Cleland as somehow unpatriotic when they actually went to war has always astounded me. I guess it shouldn't since I know how rotten our corporate media is with enabling them and it was mainly through their help that they were allowed to get away with those smears. That and well funded attack ads that went largely unchallenged by that same media.
This time might actually be different because they're going to have a hard time backtracking on the amount of praise that we just heaped on Obama from everyone from former members of the Bush administration to the media to our Republican officials now in office. The best response they've been able to come up with to deflect this so far has been them attempting to credit the Bush administration for this, even though he decided a long time ago he wasn't all that interested in finding bin Laden and quit looking.
I look forward to seeing Keith on the air in June on Current TV with what I would expect will be a much better set, sound and video crew than the ones helping at his blog right now. They leave a lot to be desired.