Stephen Colbert Defends Pappa Bear O'Reilly Against The 'Pinhead' Bloggers

Apparently someone wasn’t too happy with some of the “pinhead” bloggers who took him to task for saying that the tides were proof of the existence of god. It’s a good thing Bill-O had Stephen Colbert there to defend him. COLBERT: Worse

the tides were proof of the existence of God. It’s a good thing Bill-O had Stephen Colbert there to defend him.

COLBERT: Worse yet… worse yet the leftie blogosphere has ridiculed Bill by pointing out that the moon causes the tides and that we’ve known that for centuries. Well it’s humble pie time, people who took ninth grade science.

Father O’Reilly, take ‘em to Sunday school.

O’REILLY: How’d the moon get here? Look, you pinheads who attacked me for this, you guys are just desperate. How’d the moon get here? How’d the sun get there? How’d it get there? Can you explain that to me? How come we have that and Mars doesn’t have it? (inaudible) How come? Why not? How’d it get here?

COLBERT: Boom! Take that gravity huggers!

Huh? How come we have the moon and Mars doesn’t? Except for the two that it has? How’d the sun get there? Where does it go at night? How’d the moon get there? Why does the cow jump over it? What time is it? How come I have two faucets?

Hot comes out of one; cold comes out of the other; never a miscommunication. You can’t explain that. You can’t explain that.

In fact, where does Bill O’Reilly come from? He’s on my TV, he’s off my TV. Then he’s back. Where’d he come from? Sometimes he’s on the radio and I’m watching him on the TIVO at the same time. You can’t explain that.

I don't want to give away all of the punchlines, so just watch the rest. Mediaite has O'Reilly's entire response to his critics here -- Bill O’Reilly Responds To ‘Pinhead’ Critics By Asking ‘How’d The Moon Get There?’. Needless to say they were a lot kinder to him than Colbert was.

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