Stephen Colbert Gives The Tip Of His Hat To Bond Villain Gingrich

Stephen Colbert couldn't quite figure out at first whether current GOP frontrunner Newt Gingrich was supposed to be the hero or the villain of an episode of a James Bond movie during his tip of the hat, wag of the finger segment on the Colbert

Stephen Colbert couldn't quite figure out at first whether current GOP frontrunner Newt Gingrich was supposed to be the hero or the villain of an episode of a James Bond movie during his tip of the hat, wag of the finger segment on the Colbert Report, but ultimately decided he's one of the villains due to his love of space mirrors.

Best lines by Colbert:

And just like Bond, Gingrich is calm under pressure, a little cocky, and is frequently seen with different leading ladies.

Plus, his half million dollar line of credit at Tiffany's proves he knows diamonds are forever.

And as David Brooks pointed out, Newt has called for a permanent lunar colony to exploit the moon's resources.”

Sounds to me like Newt is a Moonraker.

Still, tip of my hat, you know he's in the 1 top percent, which means he is creating jobs for all those evil henchmen.

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