Stephen Colbert Makes A Mockery Of Romney's Deceptive Campaign Ad

Jon Stewart laid waste to Mitt Romney and his deceptive campaign ad, taking President Obama out of context for his "you didn't build that" remarks. His cohort on Comedy Central, Stephen Colbert did not disappoint with his take on the subject and his

Jon Stewart laid waste to Mitt Romney and his deceptive campaign ad, taking President Obama out of context for his "you didn't build that" remarks. His cohort on Comedy Central, Stephen Colbert did not disappoint with his take on the subject and his failed attempt to prove that he didn't need to rely on any of his staff to do his show.

Colbert followed this segment up by "rehiring" his supposedly fired staff and asking that no one ever speak of it again. Gotta' love it. It's a sad day when our comedians have to be the ones pointing out how utterly ridiculous the Romney campaign attacks are with the whole it takes a village and no one made it on their own nonsense and the right's pathetic response to someone saying something that is actually true.

Unless you're living in some hut out in the woods apart from the rest of civilized society, you've relied on your fellow citizens for that civil society existing and have benefited from it. The fact that we don't have more calling out Romney for his hypocrisy as we saw from Colbert and Stewart this Wednesday is just further proof that our so-called fourth estate in America for the most part is dead. It's still on life support with some glimmers of hope out there, but we've got a long way to go with doing something about the amount of propaganda most Americans are exposed to on a daily basis if they turn on their television set.

I'm eternally grateful for someone like Colbert and his ability to make me laugh instead of cry about it.

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