Stephen Colbert Is S.C. Voters' Preferred Pick To Replace DeMint

Last week, I said that Stephen Colbert was the one candidate I could support to replace reting wingnut South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint. It seems the voters there agree: Colbert is top pick to replace DeMint:

the one candidate I could support to replace reting wingnut South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint. It seems the voters there agree: Colbert is top pick to replace DeMint:

Talk-show host Stephen Colbert is South Carolina voters' preferred candidate to replace Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), according to a new poll by the Democratic Public Policy Polling.

The Comedy Central host, who's openly lobbied for the seat, leads a field where the rest of the names are Republicans: 20 percent of voters want South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R) to appoint him to DeMint's seat when the senator resigns from Congress.

Haley has publicly ruled him out, however, because he didn't know the official state drink is milk.

"Stephen, thank you for your interest in South Carolina's U.S. Senate seat and for the thousands of tweets you and your fans sent me," she wrote on her Facebook page on Friday. "But you forget one thing, my friend. You didn't know our state drink. Big, big mistake." Read on...

UPDATE: To no one's surprise, Colbert responded to the Governor's rejection on his show this Monday evening and Stephen and his Super PAC money are determined not to give up. After some ribbing about Haley not knowing that South Carolina's state amphibian is the spotted salamander, Colbert urged his viewers to continue to tweet Haley with the hashtag #spottedsalamander and ask her to name him as DeMint's replacement.

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