Stephen Colbert Slams The Super Committee And Congress For Going After Veterans Benefits

Stephen Colbert let the Super Committee and the Congress have it for allowing cuts to veterans benefits be the place they're immediately looking to when it comes to mandatory cuts in defense spending on this Thursday's Colbert Report. COLBERT:

Stephen Colbert let the Super Committee and the Congress have it for allowing cuts to veterans benefits be the place they're immediately looking to when it comes to mandatory cuts in defense spending on this Thursday's Colbert Report.

COLBERT: Now, the Super Congress' daring mission is to find is to find $1.2 trillion in budget cuts and so far they have agreed to... jack. […]

And if nobody drinks their tough medicine by law it must instead be administered rectally. You see a failure by the Super Committee triggers automatic deep cuts to military spending. Senate Republicans say they will try to untrigger that trigger, but Obama promises a veto to untrigger the triggered trigger. But to avoid these cuts in defense someone has to sacrifice and we all know who that someone should be and they are the subject of tonight's Word... the 1 percent.

Folks, everybody's talking about about it. There is a tiny minority of Americans who could be doing a lot more for our nation. A minority who live a lifestyle the 99 percent could not imagine. You know who I'm talking about. I'm talking about military veterans.

You see, only 1 percent of Americans served in Iraq or Afghanistan. Now thankfully, the Super Committee is serving the interest of the 99 percent of us, who didn't serve. […]

Yes, the Super Committee wants to reduce veterans health benefits, known as Tri-Care. And the Super Congress recently received a letter supporting those cuts from the bipartisan leaders of the House and Senate Veterans Affairs Committee.

They say of veterans “We believe no constituency better understands the challenge America faces, and no constituency is better suited to, again, lead by example by putting country first.”

And with this letter, Congress is sending our troops a clear message. That message, that we can take for granted that service members are willing to give up more than the rest of us.

Now I know, certainly we rich people can't give things up. I'm not used to it. I have never given up anything in my life. Now folks, don't get me wrong. I know our troops have given up so much already; ten years, two wars, and no one honored their sacrifice more than I, and I'll prove it.

I honor your sacrifice. Okay. Okay, that's enough... But here's the thing. Once you're back in the states, if you're not continuing to sacrifice, why should I continue honoring you?

You see, on the other hand, on the other hand veterans, imagine the pride in every patriot's heart when you let us cut parts of your health plan. You guys, if you let us do that, you guys will totally deserve medals for this.

Well, not medals. Brass is expensive, but definitely stickers. And I promise, you veterans, you veterans will not be sacrificing alone. The plan also calls for sacrifice from active service military. So while we're at it, you know those 41,000 troops the president is taking out of Iraq, that's going to be expensive, so I say, let's make them buy their own plane tickets home.

And while these debt reducing measures may seem harsh, remember, Congress has no choice.... And cutting defense spending is out of the question, because it is our giant military machine that creates our veterans. And it's clear that they're the only ones we're willing to sacrifice for our country. And that's the Word.

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