And tonight's scandal is... Benghazi!!
Yes, Benghazi. Following the tragic attacks of eight months ago, Benghazi, and the rumored cover-up, has become problem #1 for the Obama administration. [...]
Yes, Benghazi is the biggest scandal since sliced bread was caught funneling money to Nicaraguan death squads. And folks, if Republicans are angry now, imagine how they'll feel when they learn where Benghazi is. [...]
You see, with this e-mail, Jay Carney's a liar, and these folks are in this scandal up to their ball-ghazis. End of story, except the actual story.
JAKE TAPPER (5/14/2013): We obtained an actual copy of the Ben Rhodes e-mail, and he doesn't mention the State Department, he doesn't mention talking points.
MAJOR GARRETT (5/16/2013): There is no evidence, Scott, the White House orchestrated these changes.
CHRIS WALLACE (5/16/2013): There is no indication in any of these e-mails of any partisan deleting, scrubbing of the facts.
Shut up, Chris! You're on Fox News, for God's sake! (wild audience cheering and applause) I mean, what part of "fair and balanced" do you understand?
Anyway, so what? Jonathan Karl didn't need the original e-mail. He has a simple explanation.
JONATHAN KARL (5/14/2013): This is how I reported the contents of that e-mail, quoting verbatim a source who reviewed the original documents and shared detailed notes.
Yes, Karl never saw the e-mail, so when he quoted from it, those quotes were in "quotes". I mean, that's what you call "journalism". (audience cheering and applause)
Now I was surprised that this past Sunday, Jon Karl wasn't on This Week with George Stephanopoulos, or at the very least, Walking Back Your Statements with the Stars.
Go read the rest of the post for more.