Stephen Colbert's Fallback Position - Migrant Worker

Stephen asks Rep. Zoe Lofgren how hard it is to be a migrant farm worker and if she wants to make an anchor baby with him. Rep. Lofgren might not have wanted to make an anchor baby that they could then indoctrinate and turn into a "terror baby"

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Stephen asks Rep. Zoe Lofgren how hard it is to be a migrant farm worker and if she wants to make an anchor baby with him. Rep. Lofgren might not have wanted to make an anchor baby that they could then indoctrinate and turn into a "terror baby" by taking it to the "ground zero mosque" but I've got it on good authority that there might be some others willing to volunteer to take here place.

I look forward to tonight's show where Stephen is going to go out there and try to keep up with those farm workers. And apparently Colbert will be testifying "in character" before the House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Immigration this Friday. That should be interesting to say the least.

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