Steve King: I Often Meet With School Kids K-12 And Ask Them Where They Stand On Abortion

The Gawker's headline said it all on this downright creepy story --Don't Invite This Congressman to Your Kid's Elementary School: Questionable Iowa Rep. Steve King, in the rare times that he's not worrying about the specter of slavery

Don't Invite This Congressman to Your Kid's Elementary School:

Questionable Iowa Rep. Steve King, in the rare times that he's not worrying about the specter of slavery reparations, frequently speaks to groups of schoolchildren. And his question for these tykes is, "Where do you stand on the abortion issue?"

King apparently asks this difficult adult question to students K-12, just in case any of those five-year-olds are considering baby murder anytime soon. And if one of them responds with the typical psychobabble about "trimesters," he compares abortion to the similarly sunny issue of school shootings:

"In fact, if you want to argue that you really don't know - that it might be first, second or third trimester or viability - tell me: If someone were to walk down this hallway and stick a gun in the door, turn their head away from the gun and pull the trigger and run out the door and we catch him out there, did he kill somebody or didn't he?"

Answering "I don't know" isn't good enough, King says, because if someone is dead, the gunman killed someone. That is why "you cannot guess about when life begins," he said

And from the Iowa Independent -- King: Determining when life begins is like shooting gun into crowd:

Those who remain in favor of early abortion services on grounds that people don’t know exactly when life begins are similar to people who willy-nilly shoot guns into a crowd of people, according to U.S. Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa).

King provided the analogy during a video-taped segment with CNSnews.com, a project of the conservative nonprofit Media Research Center.

This reminds me of what Al Franken used to always say about Republicans. They believe life begins at conception and ends at birth.

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