Stewart Mocks NRA's LaPierre: Let's Only Pass Laws Criminals Will Follow

Jon Stewart had a field day with the clown show that was the Senate's hearing on gun violence held this week, whether it be NRA head Wayne LaPierre opining that background checks won't work, because criminals won't submit to them and the fact that

done a complete 180 on his stance in 1999 -- or Lindsey Graham and his fearmongering that people are going to be running wild in the streets, looting and raping.

He also gave the IWF's Gayle Trotter the treatment she deserves for her ridiculous fairy tale about mothers needing to fend off hoards of intruders with AR-15's and then telling Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse she couldn't remember what type of gun the woman in the real life case she was citing as an example actually used.

Here's more from Raw Story on Stewart's take down of LaPierre: Jon Stewart mocks NRA chief: Lets only pass laws that criminals will follow:

At a Senate hearing on gun violence, LaPierre explained that citizens of the United States needed high-power firearms to both defend themselves from an overbearing government and protect themselves from being abandoned by the government.

“I’m lost,” Stewart remarked.

LaPierre also argued that requiring universal background checks for gun purchases was a flawed policy because criminals didn’t follow the law. The argument is one often used by gun advocates.

“Good point,” Stewart mockingly retorted. “Let's pass laws that only criminals will obey. Let's do that. Hey, what’s this ‘thou shalt not kill,’ you know, murders are just going to bypass that. They’ll find a way around it.”

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