Stranger Than Fiction -- Maddow Responds To Being Fooled By Satirical Web Site

Rachel Maddow and her staff were duped by the satirical site last night on her show. Tonight she responded. Here's more from last night's show from TPM. Rachel Maddow Falls For Satirical Web Site: Rachel Maddow's show on MSNBC

Rachel Maddow Falls For Satirical Web Site:

Rachel Maddow's show on MSNBC often specializes in the application of obscure knowledge toward current political issues. But there's one piece of info they missed out on: That an online post they picked up and amplified on the air was from a parody site.

As The Atlantic reports, Maddow last night reported on a post on the apparently right-wing site calling upon Sarah Palin to support a U.S.-led invasion of Egypt in response to that country's political crisis. "An American-led invasion of North Africa," Maddow said in disbelief. "To be clear, this is what these folks are asking Sarah Palin to do. This is not Ms. Palin's own idea."

The only problem: ChristWire is a satirical site!

Maddow tweeted a correction late last night:

The bad news about a free and open internet? Sometimes you get had by brilliant satirists. Christwire: 1 TRMS: 0

TPM has more on ChristWire in their post. Tonight Rachel Maddow apologized for the error as well at the end of the segment featuring Republicans lying about tax cuts, John Bolton's insistence that we should bomb Iran because of the uprising in Egypt and a good dose of Glenn Beck's wingnuttery. As she noted, when this is what passes for political commentary these days, who's to say what's satire?

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