Got Talking Points?. My mashup I put together also included George Will:
TAPPER: George, these attacks on Bain Capital, could they work?
WILL: It depends on how mature the American public is. The president is quite right. He's made clear what the choice is this fall, and it really became clear I think this week. The president wants capitalism without casualties. He wants dynamism but no dislocations. Now, remember, this is the president who says that ATMs and airport ticket kiosks cause unemployment. That gives you his grasp of the economy. And the question is, what's his alternative to the market allocating wealth and opportunity? The answer is it's the government to do it. It's Solyndra, it is the energy programs, investment in Energy Department's operation as a venture capital firm, investing in companies. 71 percent of its money went to Obama bundlers and contributors.
And Brit Hume:
HUME: I just -- I thought about this -- Kirsten has referenced this twice. The president and his team seems to think that this idea that you're creating wealth is unrelated to creating jobs.
Look, every business person who runs a hamburger stand understands you're trying to make a profit. And the business of making a profit has jobs as a byproduct. It's not as if there's some favorite industry out there called "Jobs R Us" which is in business for the purpose of creating jobs. That isn't how it works.
And it makes the president sound, I think, to even -- to even people who are not deeply sophisticated about Wall Street like he doesn't get how the whole system works. I think it may in fact be true that he doesn't get how the whole system works.
You can read the rest of the quotes in Nicole's post if you haven't already.